Magna Carta As A Human Right Document By Opokuma, Victor Ebikonbo-ere




Magna Carta is also referred to as the ‘‘Great Charter.’’ this document guaranteed the liberties of the English people and was drafted at Runnymede and was signed by King John and issued on June 15, 1215 due to the pressures from his rebellious baron. It was the first document that put both the king and his government by stating that they were not above the law. This document limited the powers of the king by preventing him from exploiting them.[1] This document was signed in 1215, when the rebellious barons in England captured London in May 1215, as a result King John was forced to sign the document. The document was later referred to as human rights document, amongst the rights contained therein are: the right of the church to be free from government interference, the rights of all free citizens to own and inherit property and to be protected from excessive taxes, widows to choose not to remarry and be equal before the law.[2] Magna Carta was reissued in 1216, 1217, and 1225 after the death of King John. This article seeks to examine whether Magna Carta is a human right document.



Human rights are norms that protect people everywhere from severe political, legal and social abuse.[3] Human rights can be understood as those basic standards which are necessary for a life of dignity and it is universally derived from the fact that all human beings are equal. These rights are inherent and inalienable and apply equally to everybody.[4]




With the introduction of this document, it led to the establishment of “Rule of Law”. The notable provisions that reflects the protection of human rights is provided under Clause 39 of the Carta,[5] it states that:

No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions or outlawed or exiled or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.


While Clause 40 states that to no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice.[6]


This document created the most relevant early influence on the process that led to rule of constitutional law. The relevance of the document is that, it limited the powers of the government. Meaning the only time the idea of the government will be important, is when the people agree or supports the actions of the government. The signing of the Magna Carta brought about rule of law. That everyone is equal before the law and as such should be treated so.



King Charles I in a bit to fund war forced his people to lend him money and for those who refused his request were imprisoned. The actions of King Charles caused Edward Coke and the English parliament to get him to re-commit to observe the rule of law by drafting the Petition of Right so as to remind him of their rights under the Magna Carta. The Petition reflect the true essence of magna carta as it affirmed the rights of the people by stating that there shall be no taxation without consent of Parliament and no imprisonment without a cause. Petition of Right became an Act of Parliament in 1628 and is a Constitutional document in the United Kingdom.[7]The UK Parliament been afraid that the successor to King Charles II might not put the interest of the people at heart, passed the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679.[8]


This writ of Habeas Corpus (you have the body) gives a person who is imprisoned the right to appear before a court and challenge the legality of their imprisonment. This writ is an order that compel the State to bring the prisoner to court to explain why he or she is held captive and if no legal reason is found, they must be released.[9] Going further, relating the Magna Carta to our present time, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is another treaty that can be likened to the document because it preserves the peace and freedom of people same as it is stated in the Magna Carta. It was the first declaration that recognised the fundamental rights and values of all people.[10] Eleanor Roosevelt the Chairperson of the UN Human Rights Commission when submitting the Universal Declaration to the UN General Assembly for adoption, she said: ‘this declaration may as well become the international Magna Carta for all men everywhere.’[11] The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is also a reflection of Magna Carta as Article 9 of the ICCPR[12] is in pari parsu with Clause 40 of the Magna Carta it provides that anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorised by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release. Conclusively, the above mentioned international human rights instruments contains the rule of equality and human rights is created as the basis that all rights are universal and restrict the powers of the state. The rules of human rights can be seen to have been specifically picked from Magna Carta.

 Photo Credit: Upsplash Images

[1]<> accessed 22, 2025.

[2]<ttps://> accessed 22, 2025.

[3]J Nickel, ‘Stratford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’


[5]Magna Carta


[7]<> accessed 23 January 2025.


[9]J A Dada, ‘Judicial  Remedies  for  Human  Rights  Violations  in  Nigeria:  A  Critical Appraisal’<> accessed 23 January 2025.

[10]Ibid (n 7).

[11]C Jones, ‘Magna Carta, human rights, and the Treaty of Waitangi today’<> accessed 24 January 2025.

[12]ICCPR, 1976


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