Hidden Myths About Sugar-free Drinks - Simeon Elvis Dumle


Simeon Elvis Dumle

I've been trying so hard not to write about this, because there seems to be no rigid evidence at the moment as to the negative implications of consuming diet drinks and beverages that are not in form of soda. 

However, I believe it would do much good than evil if ‘we’ the people who consume these products are well sensitised on the possible health benefits as well as drawbacks of taking either full sugar drinks or sugar-free drinks.

I like the idea that sugar-free drinks has been used to promote a healthier lifestyle that discourages people from consuming more sugar than is needed in their body. And I think that that is a plus when we consider the harmful effects of taking excessive sugar.

Albeit, there's need to know that the terms "no added sugar" and “sugar-free” do not exactly share similar meanings. While, ”no added sugar” means the manufacturer has added no sugar to the product we are meant to also realise that; they've actually substituted  sugar for artificial sweeteners like amaspartame and Acesulphame Potassium. There are certain products labeled "no added sugar" which contain a large amount of natural sugar (canned fruit is one example) and/or other carbohydrates. Unlike sparkling carbonated drinks labeled with no sugar, fruit juice drinks do not require added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

According to sharecare.com on ‘diabetes life’ series, “Manufacturers can use the term ‘sugar free’ if the product has less than 0.5 grams sugar per serving. But keep in mind that as your servings of that product go up, so do the grams of sugar. For example, three servings of sugar free or zero cola drink will contain 1.5 grams of sugar. Perhaps most important, remember that a product may be low in sugar but still be very high in other carbohydrates.” And carbohydrates are high in sugary contents.

According to a 2017 publication on the ‘Health benefits of sugar-free and diet drinks’ by “Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation", medical researchers have questioned and deduced a fact that: the possibility of sugar free drinks, also known as artificially-sweetened beverages (ASBs) to reduce risk of obesity or serve as a better alternative of full-sugared soft drink is slim.

Researchers highlighted that there is no solid evidence to support the claims that these drinks are any better for health or prevent obesity and obesity related health conditions, including type (2) diabetes.

What energy drinks and the normal carbonated drinks are really meant for is to provide energy through sugar. These drinks have a high calorie count but very few essential nutrients. That is why it is advisable to always engage in activities that burn out the sugar in your body, because if you don't you're invariably reducing your body's ability to perform it's metabolical functions. A body with reduced metabolism is at risk of developing sugar related diseases.

I hope this article have been able to help you in some way?

Sugar isn't evil. We just have to cut our intake and try to get it from the best source.

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