My Love For Nigeria: Perpetual And Undying! By: Hameed Ajibola Jimoh Esq.



My Love For Nigeria: Perpetual And Undying!

By: Hameed AjibolaJimoh Esq.

Nigeria is a blessed nation full of blessings from God Almighty! With all these blessings from God to this nation, some Nigerians, with due respect to them, for whatever reasons best known to them, wish Nigeria to become divided and even destroyed while they nurse their intention to relocate to another country. As far as I am concerned, Nigeria remains my country and indeed my God’s destined country and therefore, my love for her is perpetual and undying!

Notwithstanding some of the challenges created by some self-centered and selfish persons within and abroad Nigeria, to me, Nigeria is a lot to me! I am happy being a Nigerian and a Nigerian lawyer! Together, and in my strength, we shall all build this country and lift her to a greater height by God’s grace! I therefore encourage Nigerian youths to continue to champion their efforts towards the growth of Nigeria! Nigerian youths should continue to be focused, creative and innovative! Some twin-problems that I have observed damaging the growth of this nation is the fact that some persons in position of authority are not accountable and transparent. Take for instance, had some of those leaders in powers at various levels been transparent by giving out some of the benefits of government to the public, rather than a situation where everyone would like to be a civil or government’s servants, individuals would see the need for them to invest in entrepreneurship rather than waiting to be paid salary at the end of the month. Therefore, some minorities or majorities feel marginalized and or abandoned, leading to a destructive agitation. Also, the accountability of government to its people is poor! A responsible government cannot run‘a government of no accountability’ as such leads to absolute embezzlement and decadence of the national facilities! The politics that some of our Nigeria politicians play in regard to governance or government is a selfish politic! The purpose of the structures of the political system in my humble view is established to ensure even-distribution of national opportunities to every citizen and ensure even-participation in the country’s polity.

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Therefore, as far as Nigeria is concerned, Nigeria remains a great country, a great nation and my father-land! Happy 61stIndependence Anniversary, Nigeria!Nigeria! I just wish to say that ‘I love you’, perpetually and undyingly!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria! God bless the Nigeria’s leadership!

Email: [email protected]


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