Why Water Is Good For The Human Body


 ACER Editorial

Water is one natural resource that had been from the creation of the world. As man goes by daily, almost everything he does involves the use of water. From his bathing, to his cooking, washing, etc. it is one source that everyone depends on.


The human body is the most phenomenal creation that scientists cannot still completely understand, because it’s just too complicated for man to grasp. Water is majorly like the fuel of the body, and the body happens to be the engine that consumes this fuel. Many may argue that food is the source of life; true, but not entirely true, because even the food we eat still needs the support of water.


Water is as important to man as the air he breathes, he obviously can’t drink air, or bathe air, or use air to cook. The human body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues respectively to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Through various activities the body undergoes daily, it loses water for instance, sweating, breathing and digestion. And so rehydration by drinking fluids and eating foods that contains water helps. Drinking lots of water also makes one have healthy stooling and avoids constipation and in digestions in the body.


One of the organs that helps the body in certain areas is the kidney. Kidneys are important for filtering out waste through urination. Adequate water intake helps our kidneys to work more efficiently and helps to prevent kidney stones. Water also lubricates the joints of the body; it goes as far as forming saliva and mucus, and also delivers oxygen throughout the body. Intake of water also improves the skin and hair glands.


The eyes, nose and mouth have certain delicate tissues and water helps to moisten them. It acts as a delivery system, taking nutrients to every cell in the body, and also acts as the first building material for organs, tissues, and cells. It is a pure fact that the body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. Try it for proof and thank me later.


Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery; 31%.


Individually, the human brain is 80% water, and due to the numerous activities the brain carries out daily, regular intake of water will result to a healthy working brain. Also drinking lots of water improves the eyesight, it helps the eyes from being dehydrated and protects it from eye strain. It is also advised health-wise, that drinking a glass or two of water before sleeping is healthy and helps one to sleep soundly. So when you find it quite difficult to sleep sometimes, (because I don’t really know what might be preventing you from sleeping); have a glass of water and let it do the trick.


The human body therefore needs about 8-ounce glasses of water daily, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. More so, drinking enough water on a regular basis prolongs life and helps in warding off harmful bacteria in the body.


That is simply how water is important to the human body. Drink water daily. Thank you.


  -Preye Johnmark.

ACER Scholar

For: ACER Editorial. 


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