Tribal Transference: Can You Change Your Tribe? By Ghoto Emmanuel



Humanity reacts mainly to a tribal structure by inculcating the activities of such tribe which can be the spoken language, manner of eating, marriage process, dressing pattern, teaching aspect and other cultural conducts. Generally, when a child is born, such a child is exposed to the environment within and is unconsciously directed to imitate the cultural structure of the people nurturing.


The learning process is usually activated as we cater to people around. Learning stage affects humanity on earth as its mould the basic activities of people. People perform most life events unwittingly as the process of learning captures dominant issues around. Other cultural activities are learned consciously because of environmental factors and roles of those that nurtured them.


In Africa, the structure of human society follows compliance with particular people of similar traits. The total way of life is demonstrated in accordance with each lineage which is simply regarded as a TRIBE. People of a common tongue, marriage process, similar dressing etc. A tribe is a category of human organization and structures that reflect on the people daily activities. In Nigeria, there are multifaceted tribes that exhibit differs from cultural practices and a speaking plethora of languages.


So, in Africa, it is expected from a person in a particular tribe to observe the conducts of their guardians and associate groups. Growing with society with similar practice broadens their sense of commonness and activates eagerness.


The writer didn’t intend to digress from the effectiveness of tribal influence, but a relative tale shocked me to delve more into tribal differences which can unconsciously redirect conduct of people. I never knew that Kunle is an Ijaw by a tribe in Nigeria. Sure, he even has Ijaw tribal mark but reacts absolutely like Yoruba people in the western part of Nigeria.


My stand was strong about Kunle’s original tribe. I questioned his exhibition of addressing people which is similar to our Yoruba associates in Ota.


Sometimes, people worry due to issues that are not directly affecting, but people worry just to ascertain the fact. “Why did Kunle fabricate such obvious lie in the presence of my colleagues? How can Kunle deceive grown-up adults in such a way as if he’s joking? He talks, dresses, eats and dances like Yoruba people. In fact, all his ways of life demonstrate a typical Yoruba man.” I said shockingly.


The pen cannot forget the heavy question Amina asked which struck matured minds. The little damsel was strictly following what we were discussing with Kunle. She asked jokingly, ” Kunle, where are you from? Is it possible to change your tribe? Just unveil hidden issues behind your real tribe because reflecting social structure tribally is essential.”


Moment of silent reigned as the girl was addressing skillfully. Triggering spots were flowing – just like a Prophet spurring by the spirit to tackle issues in mastery standard. Thence, I recall vividly what our psychology crony taught us about tribal transference – the action of transferring to one tribe which occurs majorly in an unconscious situation.


One can actually learn and relearn the original tribe as people lives according to the society of their choice. Tribal transference is a common occurrence in most of the African countries by activating and redirecting to other ways of life unconsciously.


Recalling transference in psychology made me comprehend the unconscious effect of transferring from one tribe, just like travelling from one region to another. For example, most of the Ijaw people dwelling in the Western region in Nigeria are unconsciously transferring their way of manner, language and yielding to other activities in Yoruba land. Especially the young ones, it serves as a cumbersome deal because they’ve totally transferred to the other tribes.


Therefore, the original tribe cannot be totally scrapped but can be changed by deep influence to another tribe which can occur while dwelling in people’s region or associating with other tribes for a long period of time. However, someone can naturalize consciously depending on the range of time far spent with another tribe. For instance, an Ibo person can unconsciously and consciously in a steady mood learn and adopt the practices of Yoruba tribe if mingling with Yoruba people for a long period of time.

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