Nembe Se Lawyers Forum To Hold One Day Special Session Themed, “Law Practice Building In Contemporary Times”

3 minute read


* Speakers Include George Etomi (FNIALS), Mrs Boma Alabi, (OON, SAN), Professor D K Derri

The Nembe Se Lawyers Forum is set to hold a program Session with the theme, "Law Practice Building In Contemporary Times". This was made known in a statement dated the 8th of April, 2021, and signed by the Chairman - Law, Human Rights and Development Committee of the Forum, Iniruo Wills.


The event which is scheduled to hold on the 3rd of May, 2021, is expected to be held physical and virtually. The one-day session which is hosted in the Port Harcourt office complex by Serenity Legal Union and Partners, the illustrious law firm of His Royal Highness Serena Dokubo-Spiff, Amadabo of Ada-ama, Twon-Brass Kingdom, is to be graced by high profile speakers, personalities and other stakeholders.


The statement reads:




Esteemed Colleagues,


1. Following earlier notifications on the subject event by our Chairman, Dr A J Beredugo, I present this brief update and reminder.


2.  Law Practice Building in Contemporary Times was chosen as the theme of the programme after careful consideration. The aim is to enhance our preparedness and competitiveness - collectively and individually - in contemporary legal practice and thereby enable us seize or take advantage of vast opportunities unfolding before us, especially locally but beyond too. It will also promote NSLF as a virile and beneficial platform, plus celebrate some of Nembe Se's best legal minds as inspiration for us all and particularly our young colleagues.


3. The one-day session is being graciously hosted in their Port Harcourt office complex by Serenity Legal Union and Partners, the illustrious law firm of His Royal Highness Serena Dokubo-Spiff, Amadabo of Ada-ama, Twon-Brass Kingdom. Our esteemed royal colleague expressed a desire to host NSLF members since last year but the coronavirus pandemic hampered the plan of holding it then.


4. The confirmed Lead Speaker will be George Etomi (FNIALS), the pioneer Chairman of NBA's Section on Business Law, who is one of Nigeria's leading commercial lawyers and policy experts.


5. Other confirmed Speakers are (I) Mrs Boma Alabi, (OON, SAN), a Nembe Se Lawyer and former President of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association who was also the first black President of the Female Solicitors Association of England and Wales, and (II) Professor D K Derri, the current Dean of the Niger Delta University's Faculty of Law and Nembe Se's first Professor of Law.


6. We are inviting top executives of public and private corporations of special significance to our region and needs to interact with us. Examples are NCDMB, NDDC, NIMASA, Brass Fertilizer, Shell, Aiteo and First E & P. Some of them are expected to be on a discussion panel around the theme and such sub-themes as "Law in a Fast Changing World" and "Expanding Opportunities in the Legal Market" . The Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, the President of NBA, Judges and National/State Legislators of Nembe Se and our Top Royal Figures are also being invited.


7. Participation will be hybrid: physical and virtual (online). Physical attendance is strictly by invitation, which every member of NSLF is entitled to, whilst attendance online (by Zoom) will be open to the public for purposes of bringing it into national and professional reckoning.


8. It promises to be an A-list session, highly beneficial and historic. Further details will be provided presently and periodically.




For: Joint NSLF/SLU&P Planning Team


Iniruo Wills

Chairman - Law, Human Rights and Development Committee of NSLF

8th April 2021


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