Photo credit: Not mine. To be cited later.
The name ‘Jesus Christ’ has over the years been a subject of confab amongst many scholars of different religions. This is not startling because the name has so swayed humanity that by a hair’s breadth, will any religion in the world refute his existence.
The reality of Christ is of rarity a bone of contention, but who He really was and is, even now. In this piece, we shall be considering who Jesus was and is, relying on the Bible, being the word of the Most High God and the book of his mind; the bible, because it carries the wisdom of ages, and I believe it to be the fountain of ancient truth and the pages of modern truth.
When Jesus was on earth, He was described in many ways. Why? Because many men do not understand who He was. Some felt He was John the Baptist, some felt He was Elias, others felt He was Jeremiah or one of the prophets. (See Mathew 16: 13-16) But who really is Jesus Christ?
In hashing out this topic, I shall be looking at some of the argument of scholars from other religions about Christ. The reason is because Scholars have severally spoken about the wordings of the Bible, antagonizing what they think should be antagonized, and then, disputing verses as they feel should be disputed. So to understand this better, it is sometimes expedient hearing what others have also said about Him, to know the contradictions. I have known other precepts and seen their thoughts, but if such devout men feel a figure has not been well cited, speak no offense, but draw my attention to such a misplaced figure, or even the tome, for such folios are stocked in shelves and this hand that inks this leaf could mismatch in shelves, yet not in drawing conclusion in some precepts. Thus, I speak of quoting and not conclusions. But in all, the Bible will be my sole book of authority; for it is my confidence. So, who do they say Jesus really is?
Like other religions, Judaism has a say about Christ. But owing to the fact that there are scholars from different school of thoughts of the Torah, at one point or the other, there are some forms of variations in the arguments put forth. Hence, it is better most times to hold one which seems universal on religious clothing. So to be exact, I shall be consideringthe records of Talmud and the Toledot Yeshu, ancient Jewish believers.
It has been argued without any contradiction that Jesus was born to Mary who married one “Yohanan”. It was settled that he was a rabbi, but never do they agree that Mary was a virgin as at when Christ was conceived. They argued that Jesus was not the messiah, and that the beliefs of Christians are hinged on Christ’s own claims. Although, they agreed that he was crucified, they do not agree that he resurrected, adding that, his resurrection story was based on claims from his disciple. Most surprising of all is Toledot’s claim of Christ’s practice of magic ( See, b. Sanhedrin 43a; cf. t. Shabbat 11.15; b. Shabbat 104b) Indeed this is not surprising as Christ had been accused of using the power of Belzeebubas recorded in the bible. For this, I shall not particularly speak of. Of it, I shall ignore.
Islamic Scholars agree that Jesus Christ otherwise known as “Isa” or “Eesa” was born of a virgin called Mariam. Quran 19:18-22, records what they believed Allah said to her in her disbelief:
‘That is easy for Me (Allâh): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allâh), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allâh).”
It is believed thatJesus was a prophet, but a PENULTIMATE one, which means that he was the second to the last prophet sent before Prophet Mohammed. It has been argued by Scholars like Dr. Nakir Zaik that Mohammed was the prophet Musa (Moses) spoke about in Deuteronomy 18:15. According to Quran 3:49-51, He was sent to the Israelites alone being that, He was sent to the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel.
However, one area Islamic pact contradicts that of the Christianityis the area that Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. To them, Jesus is no Son of God as God cannot be said to have a wife. Quran 9:30, speaks of Allah’s supposed curse on the Christians as their view stands tall with the Jewish assertion of ‘Uzair (Ezra) being the son of Allah.
Believing Christ was a prophet of Allah, they do not say Christ practiced magic as the Toledot had claimed. Also in the list of arguments is the facet of his crucifixion. For it is believed that there was a kind of swap on the cross.
“And because of their saying (in boast), “We killed Messiah ‘Iesa’, son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allâh,” – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of ‘Iesawas put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e. ‘Iesa, son of Maryam]” (Quran 4:157)
More so, they believe thatJesus ascended to Heaven, and indeed he shall come back but to prove that he was no son of God as many think of him. Let us see what the Koran said about this fact.
“And when Allâh said: ‘O ‘Iesa, I will take you and raise you to Myself and clear you [of the forged statement that ‘Iesa is Allâh’s son of those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you (Monotheists, who worship none but Allâh) superior to those who disbelieve [in the Oneness of Allâh, or disbelieve in some of His Messengers, e.g. Muhammad , ‘Iesa, Mûsa (Moses), etc., or in His Holy Books, e.g. the Taurât (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), the Qur’ân] till the Day of Resurrection. Then you will return to Me and I will judge between you in the matters in which you used to dispute.’” (Quran 3:55)
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Ahmadiyya has similar claims with slight variation, while Bahá’í’s‘Book of Certitude’ claims that Jesus has two natures to wit: “A divine and human nature”. Hinduism on the other hand sees Jesus Christ as a Sadhu, of one of the many deities of the earth. These are a few positions held by some religions about Jesus Christ but who really is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ indeed is God, but not the ALMIGHTY, as he is not God the father, that is to say, JEHOVAH Himself. (John 14: 1 -2, John 20: 17). God Himself describes Him as God (Psalm 45: 6, Hebrew 1: 8). He was described as the everlasting father because He was to reveal God on earth through His appearance and life (Isaiah 9:6, John 14: 8-14) But Jesus Christ is not the father Himself, hence Jesus severally referred to Jehovah as FATHER.
But Jesus Christ is a mighty God. He was not created, for He had been with God from no time. (Proverbs 8:30). The bible says that he proceeded out of the father (John 8:42).He is the son of the Most High God who was sent to die for man’s sin and liberate them from the hand of the devil. (Matthew 3:17, 17: 5, John 14:13, Mark 5:7, Hebrew 5:5) He indeed died and his death was the reason for man’s salvation. (See Hebrew 9 in full) He resurrected and his resurrection was the basis for man’s justification, and today he stands out as man’s advocate, mediator and High priest. But despite all these clear facts, why the contradictions? The word of God is just one bundle of leafs that every man must open his or her mind to, in order to grasp the truth of it. The truth about Christ is in the precepts, but who may believe it? (Isaiah 53:1).
Islamic scholars as well as Judaists have argued that Jesus Christ was a Rabbi (Teacher) and a prophet. This is true. Jesus Christ was a prophet of God and a teacher as well. (Mathew 21: 11, John 4:19, John 6: 14, Luke 24: 19, Luke 4: 24, Mathew 5: 2, John 3: 2, John 7:16) But he was not a Penultimate Prophet as stated by Islamic Scholars. The greatest of all prophets of old was John the Baptist, (Luke 7:28), while Jesus Christ is the First prophet of this dispensation of grace. After him, were other prophets such as Saul, (Acts 13: 1-3) Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32), the four daughters of Philip (Acts 21: 9), Agabus, (Acts 21:10) and the rest. Other prophets also God has anointed at several times even in this generation. The gift of prophecy is one gift God has promised his children and God grants it as He wills. Contrary to the postulations by Islamic scholars that Jesus Christ was the prophet prophesied about by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15, Peter made it expressly clear that Jesus was that selfsame prophet. See (Acts 3: 22) Indeed his earth walk was for the lost sheep of the House of Israel but his death for the whole world. (To be spoken of later)
This is a fact about Jesus Christ that both the Islamic religion and Judaists disagree with. Judaist’s positions on the Dead Sea scrolls, En-Gedi Scrolls and the likes have shown that they hold a view far from the Pauline Revelations and the synoptic gospels.
But the word of God made it clear that Jesus is the messiah, (See Hebrew 9, Mathew 1:21) The coming of Jesus was prophesied. The coming of Jesus Christ was planned by God. In one of my pieces titled “The Seed of the Woman”, I had argued how Jesus Christ was sent by God to save mankind.
The misconception by Judaists that Jesus is no messiah is hinged on the fact that they have likened the messiah to be one who will come and physically liberate them from the hand of their enemies; not knowing that Jesus Christ’s coming was to save us from spiritual death which humanity inherited from the Devil. (Isaiah 25: 7, Genesis 3:15, Matthew 1:21) Jesus is not to engage himself in any physical warfare but a spiritual exercise wherein the whole of humanity will be set free through his supreme sacrifice (Matthew 26: 53). God is our saviour, for Jesus is God personified. Are Humans not a class of being, and is Man not the head of the woman? Is it that a woman cannot be a Human because man is the head? That is to say, is a woman less of a human because man is her head? Is the woman not equal with man because she is human and yet the man higher in hierarchy because he is head? So, again, Can’t Christ not be God and Jehovah his Head? Is Christ not God because Jehovah is his head?Judge for yourself. Yea, for this part, I speak not of gender, for gender is for human, but of truism do I speak of hierarchy and a class of being. For Christ is God.(I Corinthians 11:3, Philippians 2: 6)
Perhaps, this is the most controversial facets of it all; Jesus as a SON. Indeed the argument had been that God has no wife and as such cannot have a SON. But why is it difficult to believe this fact? If the Muslims have argued in Quran 19:18-22thatJesuswas born without natural regeneration, why is it impossible for God to have a son without a wife? If God can exist without being created, is it having a son without a wife that will be difficult for him? For child bearing and conception are human exercise. Spiritual realities are beyond what the senses can decipher. (Psalm 2: 7, Mark 1: 9 -11) So this should not be the argument, that is to say, that God has no Wife and as such he has no son. If upon their precept, has it been concluded that they disbelieve this divine fact, then the Divine Jury (God) is ever alive to make all facts clear if only we seek for the truth.
Judaists have said that Jesus’ birth was normal like every other birth. This is a doubt of his special birth and assignment. His resurrection had been argued as well to be fabricated. Indeed, the disciples did not leave us without such accounts. Right from the time Jesus died; moves were made to make his resurrection look like a farce. (Matthew 28: 9-15).But in all, there are testimonies of his mightyhand upon humanity and his witnesses have testified abroad of which I am one.
His second coming is a proof of his kingship and sonship and not a disproof of it. Scripts of men like John, Peter and the rest have been said to be scripted on their own thoughts and not God’s, but this is not what we have believed. We have believed in all things that those scripts were written by man inspired by God and their records kept for us to know of God’s truth and of those shadows that we need to know of (2 Peter 1:21). Truly, by faith we believe this because no hand did we see write these things we have believed. Whether we say a hand wrote them or that God did bleed that ink by himself, it makes no difference if we were not there when it was scripted. We come to hear of the records and in it, have we believed because without Faith it is impossible to please him.
So Moses was not there when the world was created, but we have believed his record.The truth about Jesus Christ is beyond man’s comprehension. He was no angel as believed by a few and he is no man as believed by many. For even in a human body, He is God. Though not the Almighty,He is the Son of the living God and in Him is the life of men.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one cometh unto the father but by him. He, who has ears, let him hear.
By Ebi Robert